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Energy Consulting Services

As the world grapples with the challenge of decarbonizing electricity generation, industry, and transport, the potential benefits of nuclear energy are becoming more evident.  Governments, businesses, and investors have taken notice, with COP28 in Dubai set the aspirational goal of tripling nuclear power capacity by 2050. All these stakeholders require nuclear industry insights to make informed decisions. 


ULC Consulting’s clients want to understand nuclear technology, regulations, and the competitive landscape.  They want to know the differences and pros and cons of a light water reactor vs. a liquid metal fast reactor. 

ULC’s clients are experts in their industry and accustomed to being well informed therefore they recognize they have gaps when it comes to the nuclear industry. They want to know what they don’t know. They want to be ready with the right questions.


Although pro-nuclear, ULC Consulting is realistic. New nuclear companies make a lot of promises about safety, waste, efficiency, high-temperature, and cost.  ULC Consulting can distinguish hype from reality. ULC evaluates timelines based on supply chains and regulatory requirements, not aspirations.

Examples of Client Mandates:

  1. Nuclear is not the focus of a client’s business, but it comes up from time to time as a possible solution to the client’s emissions or energy problems.  The client sees that nuclear is likely to be part of the energy mix and wants to separate hype from reality and understand the technology, the opportunities, the risk, and the key players.

  2. Hydrogen is central to many industries’ decarbonization strategies.  And yet the transition to renewable powered hydrogen production could be long and expensive. A client wants to understand how nuclear energy might be used to make clean hydrogen. What are the economics of such production compared to other forms of clean hydrogen production? Which nuclear technologies can be used? What are the pros and cons?

  3. A client moves an essential global commodity by maritime vessels that burn heavy fuel oil and the global shipping industry contributes to 3% of global emissions.  Alternative fuels like ammonia and hydrogen carry economic, operational, and safety challenges.  The client wants to understand whether nuclear energy can be used to decarbonize commercial maritime shipping and what needs to be done to make this happen.

  4. A venture fund is considering an investment in a nuclear startup.  The investment thesis sounds compelling—all the benefits of old nuclear, only safer, cleaner, and cheaper.  The client wants to know what questions to ask, how to identify risks and assess the realism of the target’s financial projections. 

  5. A regional government is worried about the region’s energy profile. The region is inland and has an industrial base built around affordable natural gas. Now the energy mix is shifting to intermittent offshore wind.  Grid costs are rising, and the grid is becoming more unstable.  The government needs a new, economic source of baseload power. Would nuclear energy be appropriate? Does the region have a site(s)?  What would be the most appropriate technology? How much would it cost and how long would it take?

  6. A client’s nuclear technology startup launched with the help of angel investors moved by the firm’s ambitious vision. Now the client needs to expand and seeks institutional investors.  Most are skeptical of nuclear energy and do not have the knowledge to properly evaluate risk. How should the client go about convincing them?   

Case Studies:

  • Completed a study on hydrogen production using solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) technology supplied with electricity and heat from a conventional pressurized water reactor.

  • Authored a feasibility study on the potential for nuclear power to decarbonize the commercial maritime shipping industry.

  • Conducted an independent review of plans for a new nuclear fuel fabrication facility.

  • Contributed to due diligence on acquisition of a global fuel fabrication and services company.

  • Advised an advanced reactor company on its government relations strategy.

  • Provided expert input to a multibillion-dollar acquisition in nuclear fuel space.

©2025 by ULC-Energy.

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